Our Mission
Rangeland - wide open natural spaces teeming with wildlife. That was the world before humans unleashed energy stored from ages past and used it to radically alter the land and environment.
While we humans continue to ravage our home planet, wildlife and wilderness are rapidly disappearing. This altered world is now teetering on the edge of collapse.
Rangeland Foundation seeks to help redress this imbalance by supporting wildlife and wilderness conservation.
Protection of wolves, large carnivores and all wildlife is Rangeland Foundation's focus. We have a number of grantees in areas such as litigation, advocacy, co-existence, genetics, conservation aviation, anti-trapping and land acquisition to name a few. These groups approach the goal of wolf protection from different angles.
These goals include:
Reform of state and federal wildlife policies
Increase in population and genetic diversity of Grey Wolves, Mexican Grey Wolves and Red Wolves
End to recreational trapping of wolves and wildlife
Increase in safe zones for wolves in states where trapping and hunting persist
Improved co-existence between ranchers and wolves
A new listing of Grey Wolves onto the Endangered Species Act
A Protection Act similar to the Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act that would protect wolves and large carnivores
Increase in education and outreach regarding the necessity of wolves in our ecosystem
Our Focus
Advocates for the West
Bold Visions Conservation
California Wolf Center
Colorado Nature League
Colorado State University Center for Human Carnivore Coexistence
Endangered Wolf Center
Footloose Montana
​The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project
Idaho Conservation League
Kettle Range Conservation Group
Krebs Livestock
LightHawk Conservation Aviation
Living With Wolves
National Wildlife Federation Tribal Lands Partnerships Program
Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative
People and Carnivores
Pilots to the Rescue
Predator Defense
Project GRIPH
Skagit Animals In Need
Tom Miner Basin Association / The Common Ground Project
Trap Free Montana
Western Sustainability Exchange
Western Watersheds Project
Whatcom Humane Society
Wings Program
Wolf Haven International
Wolves of the Rockies
Wood River Wolf Project
Working Circle
Wyoming Untrapped
Yellowstone Ecological Research Center